
PRESS RELEASE - DELSOL Avocats assisted AstraZeneca, Docaposte and Impact Healthcare in the setting-up of the "Agoria Santé" consortium

AstraZeneca, Docaposte and Impact Healthcare have created the « Agoria Santé » consortium to provide public and private players with a controlled legal framework and shared governance to carry out research projects on health data.

The consortium offers a secure platform for hosting and analyzing health data. The consortium’s health data warehouse is hosted and operated in France within Docapost’s certified health data hosting environment (HDS).

The platform is based on data science technology that incorporates artificial intelligence.

The consortium is open to any type of partner who can enrich the platform and share data in an ethical and responsible manner.

Jeanne BOSSI MALAFOSSE, partner in charge of the « Personal Data » and « Life Sciences » departments at DELSOL Avocats, and Julie VALLET, attorney, assisted the three partners with the implementation of the consortium (consortium contract) since the launch of the project in November 2019.