
PRESS RELEASE - DELSOL Avocats advised the British group PROACTIS in the launching of a tender offer over the shares of HUBWOO

13 March 2018 - Henri-Louis DELSOL, M&A Partner, and Vincent GUEVENOUX, lawyer, advised PROACTIS in the launching of a tender offer over the shares of HUBWOO, listed on Euronext Paris.

This tender offer results from the acquisition by PROACTIS, listed on the AIM market in London, of the american group PERFECT COMMERCE. Following the tender offer, PROACTIS owns, through PERFECT COMMERCE, 88.51% of the share capital of HUBWOO.

Tax matters were handled by Mathieu LE TACON, Partner, and Eve DAUVOIS, lawyer.

The presenting bank was Banque DELUBAC & Cie, and PROACTIS was also advised by EuroLand Corporate.